Coming up with new content ideas for your blog can be exhausting. One minute you are on a role and the next one you're facing blogging burnout.

How to Overcome Blogging Burnout

Coming up with new content ideas for your blog can be exhausting, especially if you’ve been blogging for a long time. One minute you are on a role and can come up with more than 20 post ideas, the next one you are sitting in front of the computer, facing blogging burnout not knowing what to write for your audience.

The frustration that comes with this is absolutely horrible. You know you need to keep giving your audience reasons to come back often, so the thought of not being able to deliver is drowning you.

Have you felt this way before? Me too! This is a classic blogging burnout stage that I’m sure all bloggers out there go through. It can appear in the first few months of your blog, or even years from where you started. But, what is burnout? Is your mind telling you to slow down when you are stressed out and exhausted?

Some people might think that blogging should not do this, it’s such an easy activity! We know it’s not. The pressure of standing out from all the sites out there, to make sure your audience is happy with your content and to keep their trust is hard work.

Coming up with new content ideas for your blog can be exhausting. One minute you are on a role and the next one you're facing blogging burnout.


Time to do something about it! If you are going through the classic blogging burnout, here are 6 simple steps to get out of that funk.

#1 – Take a break

Pretty obvious, yes, but the thing about blogging burnout is that the last thing you want to do is to slow down and stop working. You start having more stress because you can’t come up with more ideas, so you force yourself to stay in front of your computer and try harder.

That is definitely not the way to do it. Take a break, it doesn’t have to be a long one, just a week or even a couple of days will do the trick. Forget about your blog that time and focus on something else. I promise that you will get back relaxed and ready to go.

#2- Do a blog cleaning

It’s important to always keep your blog updated and ready for your audience at all times. When you are struggling to get new content out there, you can take this time to do a blog cleaning.

While you are doing this, you will get inspired with new ideas, since you are going back to all those posts you’ve written.


#3- Re-evaluate your blog strategy

If you are feeling tired and uninspired, it might have to do with the fact that you no longer like your blog topics or need to re-evaluate your blog strategy. And let me tell you something, that’s perfectly fine.

Take this time to sit down and ask yourself what your goals for your blog are right now, how you’ve been handling them, what your readers are saying and also check out your stats. This will give you a clear idea of what you need to change and what you want to keep doing.

#4- Get inspired on social media

The best way to get inspired to write new content is going on social media. Pinterest is a great place to start. Search for all those posts out there about your nice and a bunch of ideas will start flowing. This doesn’t mean that you just replicate content your read out there, that’s a big NO, but something out there can light a spark in you.

You can also use Facebook groups as a way to come up with the post ideas. Read what your friends are asking and identify those needs they have.

Related: How To Set A Social Media Schedule That Works For You

#5- Ask for feedback

It’s easy to get caught up in that one side of blogging. You, your computer and your blog, that’s it. Remember that there’s someone on the other side of the screen reading, so why not asking for their help?

Go to the source and create a survey for your blog. Ask your audience if they can help you define the new content they want to see there. You can even offer something nice in return for their help, maybe a freebie or a discount for a product you offer.

#6- Brainstorm

The mind itself is often the enemy of creativity. You may have a great idea for your blog, but you start over thinking every aspect of it. Sit down, pen and paper in hand and write down all the ideas you have and would love to share, without stopping.

Let your mind run free in this exercise, it doesn’t matter if what you are thinking sounds silly. Write it down and when you are finished, read everything in your list and start planning.


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