Thanksgiving Wreath

Making your own Thanksgiving wreath not only saves you some money, but it also lets you have fun creating a truly unique decorating piece. Perhaps more delightful is the fact that this inexpensive wreath decoration won’t wilt or fade. You can use this wreath beginning in September, right through Thanksgiving.

The basics you’ll need are:

  • Vine wreath
  • Glue gun
  • Ribbon,
  • Pinecones,
  • Faux mini pumpkins or gourds,
  • Indian corn
  • Flowers


Once you’ve gathered all of the materials, find a large, flat working surface. Lay out all of the items so you can find them at a glance. To secure each item to wreath, apply a dab of hot glue on wreath, and press item onto the glue. Spread petals of adjacent flowers to cover (add flowers if needed). Remember, the more flowers or leaves you use, the fuller your wreath will look. If you want to use ribbon, add it to your wreath last. Tie it into a large bow and add glue from your glue gun to the back before adding it to your wreath. Now you’re ready to enjoy it on your door or wall!


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