20 Things to Always Have in Your Desk

The secrets of all successful women: passion, ambition, drive–and keeping a spare pair of heels under the desk.
You never know what your day might throw at you. And that’s when stain wipes and 20 other hidden things come in handy.

See which items your office should never be without.

1. A Phone Charger
Don’t be the person with a 15 percent battery at happy hour.

2. A Lint Roller
Truth: Home mirrors lie. You have infinitely more dog hair on your pants than you think.

3. A Tide Pen

4. Mints
If you did manage to keep all that coffee in your mouth, you’ll need one of these afterward.

5. A Hand Mirror
Fluorescent bathroom lighting. Think about it.

6. Shine-Control Sheets
Dilemma: 9 a.m. forehead versus 4 p.m. forehead.

7. Lipstick + Mascara
The CEO came back from that convention a day early. And she wants to go over her notes right now.

8. A Nail File
For spontaneous hangnails only. (This is not the place for DIY manis.)

9. Hand Lotion
But really it’s for that occasional day your ankles decide to resemble Albuquerque.

10. Ponytail Holders
And when you need to lift it all to the top of your head (e.g., while on deadline).

11. Deodorant
Once every, oh, six weeks there’s a day you walk out the door and completely forget this essential grooming step.

12. Tampons
Just don’t tell anyone. Otherwise, every woman on the floor will be knocking down your door.

13. A Chic Little Pouch
Every time you open your drawer, do you really want a dozen toiletries sliding around? Organize ’em.

14. A Compact Umbrella
Just remember to bring it back after the surprise storm.

15. A Sewing Kit
Perhaps, familiarize yourself with button-mending, too.

16. A Spare Pair of Black Flats
New slingbacks, eh?

17. Band-Aids
New slingbacks, eh? Part 2.

18. A Spare Pair of Black Pumps
That client meeting you’ve been prepping for months…just got moved up to this afternoon.

19. Foot Petals
When said client meeting requires standing in front of a PowerPoint presentation for two hours.

20. A Spare Sweater

Because office buildings are the temperature of the Arctic. Always. 

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