Consider me your fairy godmother – ‘cos I’m about to change your life. These are the tips I used to become super organized and on top of it all!

How To Become A Super Organized Person


Are you the kind of girl who has all your ducks in a row? Or are you more chaotic? Struggling to find your keys? Tripping over pavements and being late for appointments? Yeah, we feel you, it’s hard to be on top of everything every day. But Planning out your time and being efficient is essential for any working girl. It will help you stay on top of work, as well as get ahead in the office. You’ll be amazed at how much more productive you are just by changing up a few things in your daily routine. Consider me your fairy godmother – ‘cos I’m about to change your life.


These are the tips I used to become super organized and on top of it all!

Consider me your fairy godmother – ‘cos I’m about to change your life. These are the tips I used to become super organized and on top of it all!


Stock up on supplies!

Planners, ledgers, notebooks, whichever you prefer – stock up! Writing down to do lists, and planning your day is a perfect way to ensure time efficiency and keep you on top of your work. Notebooks are also great if you have a new business plan, as you can set out your goals and targets, and make sure you’re following them. Why not check out our own book on how to create a successful blog Boss Blog Planner


Give yourself a break

Spending a few hours a day dedicated to some you time are a great way of keeping you on track of things. Being able to say goodbye to the stresses of work, and keep calm in a fast paced environment will keep you on top of everything going on, and this means less chaos following you around. The less stress in your life – the more organization!


Give yourself a fake deadline 

All of us are guilty of leaving things to the last minute at least once. Ok, maybe more than once. How stressed did that leave you? When you don’t prepare, things rarely go one hundred percent according to plan. If you’re guilty of that, give yourself an earlier deadline and make that your final and only deadline.


Get your squad involved

It’s always easier to get things done with the help of others. Having friends remind you of events and upcoming dates is a great way to stay organized, and you can return the favor! We’re all human and are bound to forget important things from time to time!


But keeping your squad up to date with your life helps you all support each other, and your girls will never let you fall behind!


Being organized is easy when you make it fun. Soon you’ll be shocked you were never this on top of things!




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