Say it’s not your birthday. But you’re in the mood to feel special and appreciate life for what it is. Sounds like the perfect time to try one of these tricks for making a great day out of any old day.

Gift Wrap Your Purchases
You’re buying yourself some new socks or replacing your favorite lipstick, and the salesperson asks, “Do you want our complimentary gift wrapping?” Why yes, you do. You’re worth a present–and it’ll be a lot more fun to open up your purchase when you get home.

Upgrade Your Wine
Do you usually limit yourself to the $13 and under bottles of vino? Go for a $20 bottle tonight. Turn on some music, pour a glass and live it up.

Prettify Your Plate
When you’re fixing your standard lunch–turkey sandwich, chips, fruit–use a real plate and a cloth napkin (the prettier, the better). Drinking an iced tea? Pretend it’s a cocktail and give it a lemon-peel twist.

Put On A Face Mask
Something about putting on a face mask and letting yourself hang out is so great for the soul! I like to mix up a homemade concoction of 2 tbs yogurt, 1 tbs honey, 1 tsp flax seed, 5 drops lavender essential oil, 5 drops tea tree essential oil, and then I apply it to my face for a good 15-30 minutes. If you have it available to you, I highly suggest applying the face mask before stepping into a steam room or a warm bath. After washing it off, spritz your face with some rosewater and give a nice hit of jojoba oil to moisturize. Afterwards, you’ll be glowing.

Bask in the Glow

Sitting at your desk for 12 hours today? Light a pretty scented candle, place it near your computer, close your eyes for a minute and imagine you’re on the massage table at your favorite spa. 

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