5 Ways to Get Glowing Skin

We all want to glow like J.Lo. But since the majority of us don’t have a team of professionals at our disposal, we sought out the best secrets for getting supermodel skin—without spending your life savings.
Don’t worry a doctor and a facialist share their top tips for getting the lit-from-within look at home. Bonus: These tricks will make you healthier at the same time they’re inducing that glow (talk about a win-win). 

Drink Green Juice

Full of minerals, chlorophyll, and antioxidants, fresh green juice is like a powerful multivitamin. “The nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and reach skin cells quicker thanks to the lack of fiber in the juice,” Lipman explains. Joanna Vargas, celebrity facialist and founder of Joanna Vargas Salon and Skincare Collection, says drinking green juice is her number one skin fix for girls who want clean, clear, glowing skin. “It’s a great replacement for afternoon coffee and it will literally transform your skin in a matter of days,” she says. “It helps oxygenate the skin and stimulates lymphatic drainage so it’s de-puffing too.”
Lipman advises staying away from green juices that are high in fruit (to avoid the extra sugar), and instead looking for ones that are mainly greens with low-sugar additions like lemon and ginger. Alternatively, you can go straight to the source: “If I have a client who doesn’t eat salad or drink green juices, I tell them to go to Whole Foods and buy liquid chlorophyll,” says Vargas. “It tastes like mint, it oxygenates the skin, and works in a matter of days.” 

Exfoliate and Dry Brush

Though it’s often skipped in people’s at-home beauty routine, exfoliation is a critical step on the road to glow-dom. Vargas recommends all-over exfoliation in the shower to make skin fresh and bright. “Dry brushing is my favorite method of body exfoliation because it is multi-tasking – it’s actually incredible as a cellulite treatment and increases skin’s elasticity, too,” she says. Don’t know how to dry brush? Don’t fret, Vargas shared her method with us:
“Start at the tops of the feet and brush upwards towards the heart. Spend extra time on areas that tend to be more stagnant, like the inner thigh, and don’t forget to include the backs of the arms and the back. Dry brushing immediately increases circulation, so you will feel warmer when you are done. Try it before you get into the shower for two minutes in the morning, and you will see a difference in your skin quality in days,” she says.

Make a Natural Mask

In addition to eating avocados, Lipman suggests applying an avocado face mask to get the glowing benefits both inside and out. “Mash half of a soft avocado with a fork. Stir together one tablespoon of raw honey with two tablespoons of hot water, and add the mixture to the avocado to create a rich mask,” he says. “Apply to your face (avoiding the eyes), let it do its magic for ten minutes, and enjoy a refreshed face.”
Vargas suggests a simultaneously rejuvenating and anti-aging mask made from grape seed oil, rose oil, honey, and ground almonds. “The grape seed oil is an awesome antioxidant, while the rose oil will restore that amazing glow we’re all looking for. The honey will hydrate the skin and erase fine lines, while the ground almonds will gently exfoliate. It’s great for anyone who feels their skin looks dull and tired,” she says. “Combine six teaspoons of grape seed oil, two drops of rose oil, one teaspoon of warmed honey, and five of teaspoons of ground almonds to form a paste. Leave on the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse.”


Take a Supplement

Your mom probably nagged you about taking your vitamins and she was right. A good hair, skin, and nail formula—which includes vitamins, minerals, and amino acids specific to skin health—will improve its overall quality and appearance. “Skin products work externally to try to create the desired effect of glowing skin, but while these products may help a bit, the real change takes places from the inside out,” explains Lipman. “A supplement works at an internal level to correct any deficiencies or imbalances.”
He recommends his Be Well Hair, Skin & Nail Supplement ($39), which is specially formulated to enhance glowy skin, with zinc, copper, manganese, green tea extract. It also contains olive fruit extract, for antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Eat More Avocados

Our skin needs fat in order to stay hydrated and glowing, and avocados supply the skin with healthy fats and phytonutrients to do just that. “Avocados are nature’s own moisturizer, rich in healthy fatty acids, which will keep your skin supple, moist and glowing,” explains Lipman. Add avocado to your salads, make fresh guacamole at home (our personal favorite), or use Vargas’ sneaky tip: Throw half an avocado into your morning smoothie. It provides a rich, creamy texture and you won’t even taste it. 

Do you have any tried-and-true tricks for getting glowing skin without fancy treatments? Share them below!

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