Hottest New Nail Trends

I keep my fingernails short and natural (no polish, just a monthly buff shine) but I love getting creative with my toes More recently, we’ve been experimenting with patterned nails. Here are the top nail trends, according to Helen:
Nail art. Use a nail dotting tool, with a round tip at the end, to create intricate patterns and designs. For better control, put a blob of polish on a flat surface and dips your tool into that, rather than dipping it into the bottle. The tips come in different sizes to make different size dots, circles, and swirls. I’ve seen them at Target, Walmart, Sephora, Michaels, and beauty supply stores.
Matte plus shiny. For a more subtle design, try combining matte and shiny polishes in the same shade. For example: add a shiny French tip (or moon) to a matte nail. Or, apply dots of shiny polish over a matte base. You could also draw thin stripes, diagonals, or swirls with the shiny polish.

Dagger or stiletto nails. Long, pointed nails are all over the runways and on celebs like Adele and Rihanna. They’re sometimes called stiletto nails because some ladies like to paint the top surface black and the underside of the nail red, like a pair of Louboutins. According to Helen, they’re often done in acrylics for a longer-lasting, precise shape.
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