5 Instant Ways to Get a Beauty Boost

Getting gorgeous doesn’t have to take hours. We know it can, but really, who has time to pile on makeup when there’s coffee to drink, outfits to put together and things to get done? Save time and look fab in a snap with these tricks.


Drink more water

Are you getting enough H2O? If not, your skin could look dull and sallow. The remedy is simple: Drink more water. Keep a reusable bottle at your desk so you remember to sip regularly, and trade one of your daily coffees or sodas for herbal tea. Remember, if you feel thirsty, you’re likely already dehydrated.

Refresh with a spritz

Refresh your makeup or just wake up your skin in an instant with a mist of spray toner. They come in a wide variety of formulations, so choose the one that offers the beauty benefits you want (hydration, antioxidants, etc.). A little spritz can go a long way in breathing new life into your makeup.

Get more sleep

We know, it’s easier said than done, but if you feel tired you likely look tired, too. Aim to get to bed 30 minutes earlier each night (or an hour if you can swing it), and avoid doing anything stressful before you hit the sack. They don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing — it’s restorative to your whole body and being well-rested means a much healthier complexion.

Improve your posture

Your mother was right when she told you not to slouch. By standing up straight you’ll not only look more confident, your clothes will hang better and your circulation will be improved, meaning an all-over body and face improvement.

Put on some lipstick

Feeling a bit blah? Fix it fast with a swipe of your favorite lipstick. We suggest red for a mega-watt beauty boost, but if that’s a bit outside your comfort zone, choose a more pinkish hue. 

Add some shimmer

Adding a touch of shimmer (using a highlighting product) to the inner corners of your eyes, cheekbones and brow bone can do wonders to give you a quick beauty boost. The slight shimmer has an almost-optical illusion effect that helps hide the stress of the day.
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