Decorating Ideas on a Budget

Inexpensive Decorating Ideas to Freshen Up Your Home.

In these tough economic times, it’s hard to justify spending a lot of money on something like home decorating. Fortunately, you really don’t have to. There are many different ways to spruce up a room without breaking the budget. From painting to furniture to simple accents, frugal fix ups  and inexpensive home deorations are quite easy to achieve. And anybody can do it with our decorating ideas on a budget.

1. Paint the Room… or Just an Accent Wall!

A fresh coat of paint will brighten a room immediately and packs the most bang for your buck. If painting an entire room seems daunting, try creating an accent wall. In addition to an interesting color, you can try an inexpensive treatment to make the wall look like plaster, wood, or even leather. Many of the larger home improvement chains offer step-by-step instruction pamphlets on how to do faux finishes, along with numerous ‘idea’ guides.  Try stripes or a sponge technique. The possibilities and color palette are endless.

2. Clear the Fridge and Showcase Some Artwork!

Speaking of walls, it’s time to give the refrigerator a break from art gallery duty. Try taking one or two of your child’s masterpieces and giving them a new home. Find a nice frame with a mat (thrift stores are an excellent source for these), or create your own mat using poster board. You can paint it, stencil it or have your little ones decorate it. Then frame and hang your child’s artwork. Your little one will beam when he sees his art on display.

3. Have a Photo Wall

Try devoting an entire wall to photographs and make sure it is in a high traffic area. Use photos of family, friends, pets, or vacations–anything goes. Purchase used frames from yard sales or flea markets. You can even find decent frames at dollar stores. You’ll be amazed at how many people will enjoy sharing your history.

Decorating on a budget is not always easy, but a little can go a long way. Another great wall art idea is taking greeting cards and framing them. Many will fit in a standard 5X7 frame.

4. Spruce Up a Table

Many of the things you already have can be spruced up to look brand new. I’m a huge fan of taking something old and making it fresh. That scratched up end table can look fresh with a bit of sandpaper, elbow grease and varnish. Or paint it bright yellow to wake up a tired room.

5. Paint a Lampshade

Take an old lamp shade (not the corrugated kind) and paint it. Paint flowers, stripes, horses, or even a modern design. If you’re not good at painting, let your kids do hand prints on it, then date it, or cover it in inexpensive cotton fabric–even an old shirt.

6. Incorporate a Little Bit of Everyone

One of the most important things is to make sure your home reflects you and your family. There shouldn’t be a room in the home that doesn’t have a little piece of each family member in it. From a daughter’s first pair of cowboy boots donning a shelf in a western bathroom, to a grandchild’s interpretation of tulips framed above a kitchen table, virtually any object can be used as a point of interest. Best of all, personal mementos like these have far more meaning that nick knacks purchased in a home decorating store.

The possibilities are truly endless. Home decorating ideas on a budget may seem difficult at first, but remember a few simple rules and you’ll do just fine: Use your imagination, make sure your home reflects you and yours, and most important, have fun!

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