Macaroni and Cheese Waffles

With this recipe I tried doing for macaroni and cheese what KFC did for the chicken sandwich with their Double Down: replace the bread with the filling.

I started by pouring out my macaroni and cheese onto a buttered rimmed baking sheet and placed it in the refrigerator until it set up.

A half hour later, it came out as a solid brick about a half-inch thick. Then  I sliced it into squares with a knife.

With the help of a metal spatula I was able to get the square out in single slabs. Slabs that just so happened to be about the size and shape of a slice of bread.

I decided to go with the grilled cheese sandwich approach, spreading a thick layer of grated cheddar cheese in between a couple of mac and cheese slabs. But not to worry it’ll fuse into a crisp, browned shell that comes right off your cooking surfaces.
After the mac and cheese “sandwich” cooked long enough to brown, it lifted straight out of the waffle iron, clean and easy, the cheese rivulets lifting straight up and hardening into lacy, crisp edges as they cooled slightly.

If you really want to get down and dirty, you might consider filling those waffle wells with syrup and hot sauce.

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