Find out if he’s Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong

There’s one surefire way to tell whether someone who curls your toes will also be there for you emotionally, 

Keep your eyes peeled for his thoughts about the big stuff (having kids someday, where you eventually want to live, etc.) that you might not want to think about in the beginning of a hot new relationship, but you need to — pronto.
“Don’t let things slide,” she says. “If religion is really important to you and you know it will be a deal-breaker in the long run, don’t look the other way and deal with it later. Or if you know there are some core values or issues that [don’t make ] for a long-term partner, you might want to not turn a blind eye the same way we might when we’re 21 and having fun. Those are things you need to pay attention to, or you’ll be having ‘fun’ with these types well into your 30s and 40s and wonder where the time went.
If you’re in a nonstarter like this, don’t despair! And don’t just blindly choose the next nice, stable guy you come across in order to avoid heartbreak. Finding a great partner doesn’t mean you have to settle for someone you’re not really that into.
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