How to Affair Proof your Relationship!

Marriage Counselor, Dr. Gary Neuman, was featured on Oprah today and reported the three top ways to help prevent your man from cheating. Here is what he said… First and foremost, appreciation of your significant other is the main way to affair-proof your relationship. Men like to be loved, admired, and appreciation. Also, when you give appreciation, you will get it back. Secondly, have more frequent sex. Men are better at receivers and women are better givers. In the bedroom, change that mindset and don’t devalue yourself. It will make you enjoy sex to have it more frequently. Lastly, have open conversations with who they are hanging out with and where they are going. 77% of cheaters have best friends that cheated, as opposed to faithful guys that have less than 50% of cheating friends. This doesn’t mean that they can’t hang out with their best friends, but be open about your concern and possibly suggest they come to your place instead of some very social scene. Thanks Oprah & Dr. Neuman!
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